banner: Thirtysomething? --Fortyforgetit!

You know you're forty when

- you search for songs on i-tunes and you get the message that your search didn't match any results or they suggest some other song title or artist that sounds similar

from joolez time 01:13h|


You DEFINITELY know you're forty when

- your father ask you if you are going to be 42 or 43 this year

  • when the music you listen to is so old that there isn't even a cover version of it
  • when the music you listen too is so old that the cover version of the cover version is being covered

from joolez time 15:03h|


You know you're forty when

you start realizig that all that time you always thought was still ahead of you, for all the things you always wanted to do, all of a sudden is running short, and because you don't know if you still have enough time left, you don't do any of it, because you have no idea where to start.

And through all of that you know damn well that now is the time. There will never be a better time to start. But you still don't do any of it, because you think enough of yourself and too much about what other people will think or tell about you.

And ain't that sad?

from joolez time 02:17h|

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Stories & Comments

Mit den Jahren verändert sich vieles. Manches ist leicht hinzunehmen, so wie die ersten weißen Haare in den Augenbrauen. Wundere ich mich doch eher dass sie jetzt erst kommen obwohl sie anderswo schon seit Jahren ihr Unwesen treiben. Andere Veränderungen sind nicht so leicht zu verdauen. Die stehen mir - wenn...
by joolez (02.02.12, 16:57)
Wer nicht schläft
hat Zeit sich anderweitig zu betätigen. Man muss das nur positiv betrachten. Nur blöd dass man dann üblicherweise müde ist wenn man eigentlich aufstehen muss um zur Arbeit zu gehen. Aber man kann halt nicht alles haben ...
by joolez (15.03.11, 05:39)
Schlaflos und Nachtschweiss
Das sagt eigentlich schon alles. Aber betrachten wir es doch mal von der positiven Seite: Wachsein um 4:45 um dem herrlichen Gesang unserer gefiederten Freunde zuhören zu können, in erster Reihe und in Gesellschaft meiner vierpfötigen, bepelzten Freunde. Und wir wollen nicht vergessen wie herrlich es sein kann sich um...
by joolez (14.03.11, 08:10)
Aging is not for cowards ...
... sagte Mae West einst zu einem Reporter. Altwerden ist nichts für Feiglinge - so hat in Anlehnung an diesen Ausspruch auch Herr Fuchsberger sein Buch tituliert. Nun bin ich längst noch nicht so alt wie "Blacky Fuchsberger", aber so mir das Schicksal gnädig ist werde ich hoffentlich mal so alt werden...
by joolez (12.03.11, 02:40)
Pimples ? Are you serious?
Pimples at the age of 46? Nature, are you serious? You gotta be kidding me. You're mocking me. Is this what you call aging with grace?
by joolez (25.04.09, 11:44)
You know you're getting old ...
... when the dark hair on your heads gets lighter and the light hair above your upper lip gets darker ... when you start growing dacial hair where never before any hair has been. ... when what hurt a little before every once in a while hasn't stopped hurting for the last...
by joolez (17.04.08, 20:39)
Eurovision Songcontest
Mal was ganz anderes, was so gar nix mit dem älterwerden zu run hat: Also öfter als einmal, schreib ich das wirklich nicht ... Ich glaub das Beste ist noch die "neue" Version von Max Mutzkes altem Eurovisions Song, die nun heisst: Ich hab Migräne .. oder sowas von irgendjemand präsentiert, den...
by joolez (13.05.07, 00:46)
Luscious Lips
everytime I see ads in magazines or on tv with young models with these soft luscious lips I get so envious. I think it's a personal affront to everybody over 25. It always makes me sad and I think of the times, when I was young and my lips were soft...
by joolez (10.05.07, 21:08)
I am officially giving up!
. . . SMS, Twitter, Jaiku, Frazr, Wamadu, Faybl, Skype ........ AIM, MSN, ICQ, Trillian, Yahoo ...... - Now, THAT were the times. Then I still understood what it was. Nowadays I feel SO lost. It's all greek to me. Then again I am older now. Less flexible. And the only way...
by joolez (25.04.07, 18:10)
It's all in the mascara, sweetheart
yeah, rrright! As we all (who have come of age) know, growing old has its nasty perks. One of them: grey / white hair. And since I really, really can't see anything graceful about grey hair when I am only in my mid-forties, of course I have it dyed (more like tinted)...
by joolez (20.11.06, 17:20)
Moving up towards 50 ...
It still takes me a moment to catch breath when I say: Now that I am 44 ... Shocks! 44 .... can you imagine? Naw, probably not, unless you are also 44 or older. It shouldn't be so shocking, I mean it's not like I turned 44 yesterday. Then again, it's not...
by joolez (11.09.06, 13:51)
You know you're getting old ...
... when you watch tv and see an old lady dying with her friends and family next to her, all caressing her, holding her hand, being there with her, helping her to make the passage, helping her to die, and then you think about yourself and think who would be...
by joolez (09.04.06, 18:19)
You know you're old ...
. . . when your 26 year old colleagues jaw drops to the floor when she hears you say that "the boss" is two years older than you and therefore will be 46 on Monday - after she asked how old he is while she is signing his birthday card...
by joolez (20.01.06, 16:09)
Pink Mo(o)d(e)
. . . well, if it ain't obvious I am in pink mode with pink mood today. Wonder how long that'll last.
by joolez (20.01.06, 15:58)
Naw, not another wrap, no food, sorry possums, just a stupid code that I deleted. Thanks to the advice of Fashion Victims Paradise and Großbloggbaumeister Read it up here and here
by joolez (23.12.05, 11:34)

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